IQAC of the institution stood rock solid and made significant contribution in
1)     The main focus in the academic year 2022-23 was to ensure maximum Training and Placement for the students and remarkable success could be achieved in this aspect
2)     The improvement in Academic Achievements was kept under consideration for the year and increasing number of distinction and first class along with UNIVERSITY RANKERS was the reward
3)     The IQAC ensures maximum participation of students in Skill Development and Vocational Training throughout the year and succeeded in doing so
4)     MoUs with Industry at National and International Level for the Training and Placement Purpose was the goal. We succeeded in collaborating with an MNC- AG 360 (Now SIKICH), TATA IIS, TCS, Same Page and so on
5)     Sporting activities were encouraged by inspiring students to train in Arm Wrestling
6)     It was ensured that each department conducts Regular Class Tests and give Assignments to the students to ensure their 100% involvement in their studies.